Educator Evaluation Systems Postings & Assurances
Sandusky Community Schools
Educator Evaluation System Postings and Assurances
As required by PA 173, MCL 380.1 249(3), MCL 380.1249b(2), Sandusky Community School District provides the following information regarding the Educator Evaluation processes and protocols used in the district:
Selected Teacher Evaluation Tool
Board Approved on February 15, 2017 (been using since school year 2014-2015)
1. Five Dimensions of Teaching and Learning
a. Postings and Assurances
i. Research Base used for the development of the tool, process used.
ii. Identification and Qualifications of the Author(s)
iii. Evidence of reliability,validity, and efficacy of the tool
iv. Description of the Process for collecting evidence,
conducting evaluation conferences, developing performance ratings, and developing
performance improvement plans
v. Framework and Rubric
b.. Educator Evaluation Requirements - Website Posting
Board Approved on November 16, 2016
1. MASA School Advance Administrator Evaluation Instrument
a. " School ADvance Administrator Evaluation System Assurances Document for Michigan Users,
© School ADvance TM All Rights Reserved".
i. Research Base used for the development of the tool, process used.
ii. Identification and Qualifications of the Author(s)
iii. Evidence of reliability, validity, and efficacy of the tool
iv. Framework and Rubric
v. System for Collectingand Using Evidence
b. Educator Evaluation Requirements - Website Posting
i. Description of the Process for collecting evidence, conducting evaluation conferences,
developing performance ratings, and developing performance improvement plans
a. Postings and Assurances
i. Research Base used for the development of the tool, process used.
ii. Identification and Qualifications of the Author(s)
iii. Evidence of reliability, validity, and efficacy of the tool.
iv. Framework and Rubric
v. Description of the Process for collecting evidence, conducting evaluation conferences,
developing performance ratings, and developing performance improvement plans