Jr/Sr. High School » Staff


Ryan Palmer
Mr. Ryan Palmer
Jr./Sr. High Principal
Betty Mullaney
Betty Mullaney
Jr/Sr High School Secretary
Brandy Davis
Brandy Davis
Amber Kravitsky
Amber Kravitsky
Dean of Students
Al Demott
Al Demott
Athletic Director 
Kristy Roskey
Kristy Roskey
Guidance Counselor
Holly Clapsaddle
Holly Clapsaddle
Special Education Designee

Mande Franzel
Mande Franzel
School Social Worker

Renee Dumaw
Renee Dumaw
Guidance Counselor Secretary
Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith
Erin Carlson
Erin Carlson
English III & English IV
photo to come
Marsha Cleland
7/8th Grade Science

Matt Dickendesher
Matt Dickendesher
7th/8th Social Studies
Matt Dickendesher
Kristyn Robinson
Algebra I, Algebra II and Pre-Algebra 
Samantha Fromwiller
Samantha Miller
World History, 7th Enrichment, and
JH Current Events
Keegan Gallagher
Keegan Gallagher
Computer Tech, Intro to Business 
Kristen Guibord
Kristen Guibord
Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology, HS Stem, & Physics
Heath Harris
Heath Harris
Physical Education, Health
Rebecca Harris
Rebecca Harris
Physical Education, Health
Jake Huysentruyt
Jake Huysentruyt
Band Director
Brandon Jakeway
Brandon Jakeway
Business Math, Algebra, Pre Calc, Trig.
Nicole Katt
Nicole Katt
Special Education
George Koch
George Koch
Integrated Math, Algebra II, & Geometry
Jodi Krause
Jodi Krause
7/8 Social Studies, 7/8 ELA, Special Ed
Mariah Martus
Mariah Martus
7/8 Social Studies, 7/8 ELA, Special Ed
Jaime Nicol
Jaime Nicol
Creative Writing, Career10,College Prep, Yearbook Advisor
Andrea Palmer
Andrea Palmer
Christine Reinke
Christine Reinke
Aaron Seifferlein
Aaron Seifferlein
Spanish I, II, III, IV & Spanish 8th
Tiffany Shuart
Tiffany Shuart
Biology, Physical Science
Kathleen Stanfield
Kathleen Stanfield
JH Current Events, Pre Algebra, Algebra 1
Crystal Strickler
Crystal Strickler
7th & 8th Math, JH STEM
Teresa Stringer
Teresa Stringer
Credit Recovery, Dual Enrollment, Directed Study
Kysha Warczinsky
Kysha Warczinsky
Enrichment 7/8th, JH Study Skill, English II
Celeste Rich
Celeste Rich
Elementary and High School Social Worker

Keisha Webb
Megan Chisholm
Elementary and High School Nurse